


This is the relocation operation of a historic company from Alessandria, Gamma-p , a leading manufacturer of cable gangways acquired by the multinational giant Legrand. Once the acquisition was completed, the management commissioned PLT to build the new plant that would allow optimizing production costs and give a more consonant image to the business as well as create a greater sense of belonging to the company. The project was drafted by Austin Italia, and the works for the new building – which houses a warehouse and offices besides the production plant – were carried out in only 8 months.


PLT Costruzioni s.r.l.
Registered Office: Via Melchiorre Gioia, 55
20124 Milano (MI)
Operational Office: Via Milano, 174
15121 Alessandria (AL)

Tel: +39 0131 224139
Email: info@pltcostruzioni.it

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